6th - 8th Grade Programs

At EMI, it is very important to us to identify and encourage talented students. With this aim, once a student has been identified as being “gifted and talented”, together with their parents, we will guide them onto a track that will not only challenge them but help them excel.

The schedule below is temporary and will change according to the school schedule.

6th Grade

As students are now embarking on the next step of their academic journeys that is Middle School, the course load and material will be more rigorous.
We cover all fundamental material that students learn prior to 5th grade. The material students learn at this time is crucial to their academic growth in the future and will allow them to excel not only in 7th and 8th grade, but also throughout the rest of their academic and professional careers.
It is necessary to work with more difficult, complex concepts to prepare for High School. This is a important time that can set precedent before students embark on the next step of their academic journeys.

Practice is key, especially for solidifying student’s grasp on the basics. This, along with optimal study habits, is of utmost importance.
This course entails 2 one hour English classes and 2 one hour math classes every week with experienced instructors who will also thoroughly make sure students understand all fundamental concepts and to answer any questions that may arise.

English class will cover all aspects– vocabulary, reading comprehension, grammar, and writing– to insure students are well prepared to thrive in their academic careers.

Middle School curriculums covers Pre Algebra in 7th grade, but we will be covering all of Pre Algebra in 6th grade as this will insure not only that students excel in math the following year but also that students have a strong foundation that will benefit them through all of Algebra, Trigonometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and even further on.
Our curriculum will cover both conceptual comprehension and application in the form of word problems.

Lesson Detail Time
Homework Homework help, Test preparation 3:30 – 4:50
Break 4:50 – 5:00
English(M/W) Math(T/Th) Differential Teaching
(Each School Curriculum or Individual Level)
** English – vocabulary, Reading comprehension
** Math – School level
5:00 – 5:50
Lesson Detail Time
Writing Writing Practice 3:30 – 4:50
Break 4:50 – 5:00
Homework Homework help, Test preparation 5:00 – 5:50
Lesson Detail Time
Homework Homework help, Test preparation 3:30 – 4:50
Break 4:50 – 5:00
English(M/W) Math(T/Th) Differential Teaching
(Each School Curriculum or Individual Level)
** English – vocabulary, Reading comprehension
** Math – School level
5:00 – 5:50
Lesson Detail Time
Writing Writing Practice 3:30 – 4:50
Break 4:50 – 5:00
Homework Homework help, Test preparation 5:00 – 5:50

7th Grade

High school is around the corner for 7th grade students and so our curriculum will cater around preparing students for what is to come.
Additionally, to insure students are maintaining their grades in school, EMI, via Power School and Genesis, will monitor grades and cater to individual needs.

During English, students will be exposed to new vocabulary and a wide variety of literature and reading material.

Though 7th grade Middle School curriculum covers Pre Algebra, our math course will also move onto Algebra 1.
This course focuses on concept comprehension and then practicing those essential skills that future math courses will build upon.

8th Grade

Students in 8th grade will soon graduate and embark on the next step of their academic careers– high school.

Our curriculum and standards will cater to high school level, specifically focusing on preparing for the SAT. Those who wish to pursue their high school experience at a private school will also be prepared for the AAST Exam and the SSAT Exam, respectively for Bergen County Academies and other private schools.

Once all fundamentals in both English and Math are thoroughly reviewed, this course focuses on honing and developing those skills. Additionally, we will cater material individually for those who require additional practice or instruction in weak areas.

to insure students are maintaining their grades in school, EMI, via Power School and Genesis, will monitor grades and cater to individual needs.

This English course will reinforce students’ fundamental grammar, further develop their writing, and continue to emphasize vocabulary memorization and exposure to a wide variety of literature and reading material.

Math will focus on reinforcing and honing material learned in Algebra 1 with practice. Individual weak points will be addressed here as well.

Lesson Detail Time
Homework Homework help, Test preparation 3:30 – 4:50
Break 4:50 – 5:00
English(M/W) Math(T/Th) Differential Teaching
(Each School Curriculum or Individual Level)
** English – vocabulary, Reading comprehension
** Math – School level
5:00 – 5:50
Lesson Detail Time
Writing Writing Practice 3:30 – 4:50
Break 4:50 – 5:00
Homework Homework help, Test preparation 5:00 – 5:50