Test Prep


(BCA, BCTS, Academies@ Englewood)

For the past 4 years, Bergen County Academies has consistently achieved the highest SAT scores and acceptances into the most prestigious universities in the area. As a result, the standards are rising for the already exclusive and competitive admissions. Preparation for BCA requires an admission exam, namely the AAST(Academy for the Advancement of Science & Technology)

EMI’s BCA Course not only addresses the admissions process, but also hones and develops skills that will lead success once students enter the school. As all students who attend BCA are exceptional, stellar students within their own middle schools, prospective students must be prepared for the faster paced lectures, more rigorous coursework, and the general competitive nature of the environment.

EMI’s BCA Course details:

Preliminary Testing

There will be an initial testing to determine the student’s current level and to assess the best course of action on an individual basis.

One Level

If preliminary testing shows deficiency in any fundamental areas that will be tested on the AAST, we may recommend that such students enroll in other courses that will address these weak areas. We believe this is ultimately more helpful to students in the long term and a much more efficient way to spent time studying. It is of utmost importance to address weak areas now as a strong foundation is necessary to succeed in high school and eventually college.

BCA Exam Preparation

In addition to preparing for this exam, we cater the curriculum to address both the rigorous coursework and workload on a daily basis. This is the time to reinforce studying habits that are the catalysts of success in academia.

BCA Exam Schedule

Open house information, application deadlines, testing schedules, and the application process will be monitored and maintained by the Middle School Director and provided to parents. Communication is key, so we work closely with parents and students to determine the best course of action and keep up with milestone goals along the way. Furthermore, our English instructor works closely with each student individually to ensure their application essays portray them in the best light and demonstrates the full potential of their abilities.


The schedule below is temporary and will change according to the school schedule.

Main Class (English & Math)

Monday 7:00 – 8:00 (Online Class)
Saturday 12:30 – 2:30 (At EMI)

Tuesday 7:00 – 8:00 (Online Class)
Saturday 10:00 – 12:00 (At EMI)

Winter Break Class

(12/23, 12/27 – 12/30) at EMI


Test : 10:00 – 12:00
English: 1:00 – 2:30pm
Math: 2:40 – 4:10pm

Test Practice

Once a week : Any day (for 2hr)